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Our Governing Body

On behalf of the Governing Body, I would like to warmly welcome you to Bure Park Primary School. We are a large, inclusive and popular school serving the Bure Park area of Bicester and the surrounding local community. As Governors we are committed, passionate people who wish to support and challenge our school to be the best that it can be. As a body, we are made up of parents, staff, representatives from the Local Authority and members of the community. We are organised in committees and work closely with the Head Teacher to ensure that all children at our school are given access to the very best teaching, are offered exceptional learning opportunities and above all, enjoy coming to a very happy, respectful, creative and safe environment.

Our role at the school is that of a ‘critical friend’ – we support the Head Teacher and the staff in developing the very best opportunities for our children, and help keep everything in good working order, continually challenging ourselves to improve, and ensure that every child can reach their potential as a unique individual.

Should you wish to talk to me for any reason, I can be contacted through the school office.

Alastair Deacon

Chair of Governors

The Role of the Governing Body

The governors' main responsibilities are to establish the aims and policies of the school; to advise on spending the school's budget; to determine the school's curriculum policy and make sure that the National Curriculum and Religious Education are provided; select the Headteacher; appoint, promote and support staff; provide outside advice and act as a link between the local community and the school.
They meet regularly, both as a whole body and in subcommittees, and they aim to establish a good relationship with both children and staff by visiting the school and taking a genuine interest in its everyday life and activities, thus becoming involved on a personal basis and always working for the best interest of the children. 

All Governors regularly declare any business or financial interests. These documents are held by the Clerk to the Governors.

Governors Diversity Statement

The governors believe it is important that boards reflect the diversity of the school communities they serve.  Diverse boards promote inclusive school environments and provide diverse role models for staff and young people.

The governors are currently collecting data on the diversity of the board, including data on age, gender, and ethnicity.  They will use that data to inform their recruitment and training needs and ensure there is always a diverse range of perspectives around the table to support robust decision making.

Due to our relatively small governing board, we will not publish this diversity data online as individual governors could be identified, and we have a legal obligation to protect their personal data.

Current List of Governors

Mr Deacon Co-opted Governor (Chair)

Mrs Ellison Co-opted Governor (Vice-Chair)

Miss Moon Headteacher

Mrs Kelly LA Appointed Governor

Mrs Moore Staff Governor

Mr Leighton Co-opted Governor

Mrs Macintyre Co-opted Governor

Mr Ash Parent Governor

Mrs Dawe Parent Governor

Ms Martin Clerk to the Governor


Name of Governor: Alastair Deacon
Type of Governor: Co-opted
Term of Office Start Date: 13th October 2024
Term of Office End Date: 12th October 2028
Meetings attended the previous academic year: (as a percentage) 100%
Lead Governor For: Health and Safety
Committees: Finance and Premises, Pay, Disciplinary, Health and Safety, Personnel, Local Governing Board
Governance roles in other educational institutions: None
Any material interests arising from relationships between governors or relationships between school staff (spouses, partners and close relatives): None
Hi, I’m Alastair Deacon, Chair of Governors for Bure Park Primary School and Nursery. I began as a Parent Governor in 2016 when my children were at Bure Park and was asked to continue as a Community member and then Co-opted governor after that. I worked for BBC News in London for many years before leaving to start a business that runs community-based projects wherever we feel our skills can help, and I am currently a Project Manager on a project to help Adults with Learning Disabilities called Making Care Fair.
Name of Governor: Isobel Ellison
Type of Governor: Co-opted
Term of Office Start Date: 23rd November 2023
Term of Office End Date: 22nd November 2027
Meetings attended the previous academic year: (as a percentage) 
Lead Governor For: Whistleblowing
Committees: Personnel, Disciplinary, Local Governing Board
Governance roles in other educational institutions: None
Any material interests arising from relationships between governors or relationships between school staff (spouses, partners and close relatives): None
I was appointed as a co-opted governor and vice chair in November 2023. With a background in Human Resources, I currently work in the field of further education. I have a deep respect for the school, having had the privilege of seeing both of my grown-up sons attend and thrive here. I am committed to supporting the school in its mission to provide a high-quality education and contribute to the ongoing development of the school community.
Name of Governor: Sarah Moon
Type of Governor: Head Teacher
Term of Office Start Date: 1st September 2022
Term of Office End Date:
Meetings attended the previous academic year: (as a percentage) 100%
Lead Governor For: Head Teacher
Committees: Teaching and Learning, Finance and Premises, Health and Safety, Pay, Personnel, Local Governing Board
Governance roles in other educational institutions: None
Any material interests arising from relationships between governors or relationships between school staff (spouses, partners and close relatives): None
I have been the proud Head Teacher of Bure Park Primary School since September 2022. Prior to this, I worked in three other primary schools with roles ranging from Phase Lead, Senior Teacher and Deputy Head. I was a staff governor in one of these schools for eight years and associate governor for five years. I work with the governing body to create and fulfil the strategic vision for the school. We aim to continually re-evaluate our work so that all children can embody the school’s motto of being the best that they can be. The Governing body is very involved in the life of the school, regularly coming in to work with staff and pupils.
Name of Governor: Tara Kelly
Type of Governor: Co-opted
Term of Office Start Date: 28th November 2024
Term of Office End Date: 25th April 2028
Meetings attended the previous academic year: (as a percentage) 100%
Lead Governor For: Pupil Premium
Committees: Finance and Premises, Personnel
Governance roles in other educational institutions: None
Any material interests arising from relationships between governors or relationships between school staff (spouses, partners and close relatives): None
After growing up in rural Herefordshire, I moved to Oxfordshire initially for teacher training and never left! After 28 years, having had a range of roles in schools across the county, I took the opportunity to take a career break to spend quality time with my two seemingly very quickly growing teenage children! After loving the job I was doing, I still, inevitably, have a very keen interest in education and how it can make a difference to a child and can appreciate how the different stakeholders each have a role in making that difference.
Name of Governor: Lisa Moore
Type of Governor: Staff
Term of Office Start Date: 12th July 2022
Term of Office End Date: 11th July 2026
Meetings attended the previous academic year:
Lead Governor For: Swimming
Committees: Health and Safety, Personnel, Teaching and Learning, Local Governing Board
Governance roles in other educational institutions:
Any material interests arising from relationships between governors or relationships between school staff (spouses, partners and close relatives):
Name of Governor: Peter Leighton
Type of Governor: Co-opted
Term of Office Start Date: 28th September 2021
Term of Office End Date: 27th September 2025
Meetings attended the previous academic year:
Lead Governor For: Literacy
Committees: Disciplinary, Teaching and Learning, Local Governing Board
Governance roles in other educational institutions:
Any material interests arising from relationships between governors or relationships between school staff (spouses, partners and close relatives):
Name of Governor: Mandy MacIntyre
Type of Governor: Co-opted
Term of Office Start Date: 26th September 2022
Term of Office End Date: 25th September 2026
Meetings attended the previous academic year: (as a percentage) 100%
Lead Governor For: Safeguarding, SEND, Sports
Committees: Teaching and Learning, Health and Safety, Finance and Premises, Pay, Personnel, Local Governing Board
Governance roles in other educational institutions: Exam Invigilator
Any material interests arising from relationships between governors or relationships between school staff (spouses, partners and close relatives): 
I started my teaching career in Berkshire in 1989 and then joined Bure Park Primary School in 2002 when my own children were in Years 1 and 2. I was predominantly a Year 1 and P.E teacher at Bure Park and I retired in the summer of 2022, many years after my own children had left. I have since enjoyed pursuing other interests, including long walks with my dogs in the countryside and travelling both in the U.K. and abroad. After 20 plus years at Bure Park, I did miss school and didn’t stay away for long!  I joined the Bure Park governing body as a co-opted governor a few months after retiring. I am privileged to still be part of the Bure Park family and I really enjoy the role. My experience as a teacher and my knowledge of Bure Park Primary School adds to the different skills we all bring as governors, working with the staff to support the vision and long-term success of the school.
Name of Governor: Edward Ash
Type of Governor: Parent Governor
Term of Office Start Date: 4th October 2024
Term of Office End Date: 3rd October 2028
Meetings attended the previous academic year: (as a percentage) 0%
Lead Governor For: ICT, IT Monitoring
Committees: Personnel
Governance roles in other educational institutions: None
Any material interests arising from relationships between governors or relationships between school staff (spouses, partners and close relatives): None
I was elected as a parent governor in October this year and have been a parent at the school since 2016. As an IT Service Manager at Nominet UK, I bring valuable IT expertise to support the school board. My role includes working with a social impact team that supports initiatives like the BBC micro:bit and the Institute of Coding, which focusses on digital skills and coding education for young people. I am committed to contributing to the school’s success and ensuring it remains a nurturing environment for all students.
Name of Governor: Sarah Dawe
Type of Governor: Parent Governor
Term of Office Start Date: 17 November 2022
Term of Office End Date: 16 November 2026
Meetings attended the previous academic year: (as a percentage) 83% of Full Governing Body meetings (5 out of 6) in 2023/24
Lead Governor For: Numeracy, Attendance
Committees: Teaching and Learning, Local Governing Board, Finance and Premises
Governance roles in other educational institutions: None
Any material interests arising from relationships between governors or relationships between school staff (spouses, partners and close relatives): None
Solicitor employed part-time by Gowling WLG
Clerk to the Governors: Bev Martin


Bure Park Primary School

Lucerne Avenue, Bure Park, Bicester, Oxfordshire, OX26 3BP

01869 354059