PSHE is about learning how to live well in our world. At Bure Park Primary School, PSHE is integrated throughout the day - Relationships Education, Health Education, Physical Health, Mental Wellbeing and British Values cover social; moral; cultural and spiritual learning while encouraging self-awareness, empathy, social skills, motivation and managing feelings. PSHE is delivered through discrete lessons using the JIGSAW programme (from Nursery to Year 6) and other cross-curricular lessons, and also is embedded through all our teaching, learning, play and the whole school day.
Our learning follows The Relationships Education, Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) and Health Education (England) Regulations 2019 (Department for Education) which ensures that by the end of school children have explored:
Families and people who care for me; Caring friendships; Respectful relationships; Online relationships; Being safe; Mental wellbeing; Internet safety and harms; Physical health and fitness; Healthy eating; Drugs, alcohol and tobacco; Health and prevention; Basic first aid; Changing adolescent body.
Our JIGSAW PSHE has 6 school wide termly focuses:
Being Me in My World; Celebrating Difference; Dreams and Goals; Healthy Me; Relationships; Changing Me
These allow children to explore and discuss issues that affect them and others in a supportive and timely manner, whilst building on previous knowledge.
Please see the unit overview for term 6, Changing Me, to understand how we teach statutory Relationships and Sex Education across the school.