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Physical Education and Sports Premium

We are very proud of our P.E and sport curriculum at Bure Park Primary School. We won the award for Oxfordshire's most active school in 2019. We have worked hard to create a curriculum and opportunities which engage our children and in our last survey 99% of children reported that they enjoy P.E. This has increased from 82% in 2015. Enjoyment and encouraging lifelong participation in P.E and Sport is at the heart of all that we do.

The Sports Premium funding has had a significant impact on what we have been able to deliver and the opportunities offered to our children. The sport premium was first allocated to schools in 2013. The government have provided primary schools with £320 million of funding to make additional and sustainable improvements to the quality of P.E, physical activity and sport offered. The government is committed to ensure that all children and young people have access to at least 60 minutes of physical activity per day. It recommends that 30 minutes of this is delivered within the school day. We are achieving this through active bursts, active learning and active playtimes. To see more detail of how we have spent our funding over the last three years and the impact this has had on our school see the drop-down tabs.

Mrs Parker and Mrs Macintyre receiving the 2018 National Outstanding Primary School Award for Sports from the Youth Sports Trust

For a copy of our agreement with North Oxfordshire School Sport Partnership please click here.

Bure Park Primary School

Lucerne Avenue, Bure Park, Bicester, Oxfordshire, OX26 3BP

01869 354059