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Safeguarding Our Children Online

At Bure Park Primary School we are committed to ensuring the safety and well-being of our children. This is achieved through our whole school ethos and policies which include our 'Safeguarding and Child Protection,' policy and 'E-safety.' 

Our Safeguarding leads are: Miss Moon, Mr Gratwohl, Mrs Cotter, Mrs Howells, Mrs Holland and Mrs Porter. If you have any concerns of a safeguarding nature, including e-safety, please contact a member of this team who will work with you to address any issues raised.

We also extend our Safeguarding duties to supporting parents, carers and members of the community to safeguard children in collaboration with staff at school. This is achieved through a thorough and progressive curriculum which addresses issues such as e-safety, keeping safe on-line, cyber-bullying, internet safety and guidance, 

On this page we have gathered a number of resources, documents, videos and links to other websites to help you successfully navigate through the ever-changing face of the internet. If you have any questions then please don't hesitate to contact the school. We would be only too pleased to give you any help or advice about keeping you and your children safe whilst online. Mr Gratwohl is our key contact for online safety.

How to keep children safe online using our Safer Schools App

At Bure Park we believe it is essential to educate our pupils to keep the safe online. We are therefore, proud to work with Safer Schools, in conjunction with Zurich Insurance to provide you with a school app to keep you up to date with changes to social media. Please contact the school office if you would like details of how to download our app or see the information below.

Useful Websites:

(Click the links below)


The h2bsafer (how to be safer) hub is designed to provide you with information and advice that is easy to access and simple to understand. Use the short videos and step-by-step prompt cards to ensure you have a safer online experience.


Internet Watch Foundationis the UK hotline for reporting online criminal content.


The NSPCC website provides advice on bullying, e-Safety and links to help-lines.


The Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre website helps you understand some of the new technologies that young people love to use. It updates you on potential risks children may come into contact with and empowers you to get involved in helping them be safer in their online experience.


Thinkuknow has been developed for young people to advise and teach them how to stay safe and be web wise. It includes information on: gaming, social networking, mobiles, chatting, podcasts, blogs, P2P TV and file-sharing. This resource provides a good help guide for parents.

CBBC Stay Safe Online

Welcome to your ultimate internet survival guide. Here are the tips and tricks you'll need to stay safe online, beat the cyber-bullies and become a super-surfer.

Childnet International

Lots of information for young people on e-safety, including scenarios and games. It also provides free information leaflets for parents, a teacher area and fact sheets.


Kidsmart provides e-Safety information and guidance, whilst offering games and competitions for young people.

Internet Watch Foundation

Internet Watch Foundation - the UK hotline for reporting illegal content. Information includes protecting yourself and your kids online, filtering options, website ratings, success stories from the IWF, the police and sister organisations, public campaigns.


Kidscape helps to prevent bullying and child abuse. The website has useful sections for parents and young people, and discusses what bullying is and what can be done about it.

Stop Cyberbullying

The Stop Cyberbullying website is a help guide for parents and carers. This American website has some elements not applicable to U.K. It does however provide valuable information about cyberbullying by age group. There are also useful questionnaires and guides to web etiquette.


Net-aware provides an up to date summary of the suitability, privacy settings and ways to report of apps. It has an easy search filter to find the app you are interested in, as well as a sign up feature which will email you with updates in the social media world. 

Bure Park Primary School

Lucerne Avenue, Bure Park, Bicester, Oxfordshire, OX26 3BP

01869 354059