Teaching & Learning
We aim to provide a broad, balanced and stimulating creative curriculum that recognises individual strengths and talents, and equips children with a range of skills, knowledge and understanding across the whole curriculum; enabling them to be reflective, rounded and informed individuals, who are well-prepared for their future.
We aim for children to develop a love of learning, be self-motivated, have enquiring minds and be curious, whilst developing a strong set of social, emotional and communication skills to underpin successful learning. We would like them to foster positive relationships, develop cultural capital, be global citizens and essentially be resilient and reflective individuals who can move on to the next steps of the education and life with confidence. They will be encouraged to take risks and challenge themselves to be the best that they can be. The school follows the National Curriculum which can be found by clicking the link below:
2014 National Primary Curriculum
We aim to build in our children a set of values which give them the best chance of being successful well-rounded, happy individuals who are prepared for the next steps of their lives. We feel our children are developing these values really well –
To prepare our children for their future lives we strive to-
- Give them knowledge and skills so that they are independent learners and participators in life
- Have enthusiasm and motivation to want to learn both now and in the future.
- Celebrate failure, and learn from it, building Growth - Mindset.
- Nurture positive relationships and model what they look like.
- Develop competent IT skills and a knowledge of how to stay safe online.
- Help them manage their emotions effectively.
- Build self-confidence and resilience.
- Develop good questioning and enquiry skills.
- Teach them how to keep themselves safe
Cultural capital
The teaching narrative will be cohesive and vibrant to equip our children with a breadth of knowledge and skills, plus variety breeds enthusiasm and motivation for future learning.Our curriculum aims to be stimulating, creative, rich in language with a range of varied and relevant experiences for all. It will be progressive, relevant and collaborative. It is designed to ensure that learning makes connections and links across other curriculum areas and essentially life. We aim for mastery of learning through small sequential steps that allow deep learning, with problem-solving, reasoning and fluency built in.
Our curriculum allows our pupils to demonstrate their understanding, build long term knowledge and develop a strong set of skills that can be applied in many contexts and enable them to develop and gain understanding, knowledge and empathy to become caring and active members of a British and Global Society, respecting and valuing our diverse world. We plan explicit curriculum opportunities to support and nurture children’s social and emotional and health well-being.It is important that all our adults build positive, trusting and caring relationships with the children and their families to ensure good and outstanding behaviour, high quality learning plus mutual respect. Active breaks are an important part of the structure of the school day and curriculum to refocus and re-engage learning, promote mental health and well-being. Practical work and outdoor learning are important features in all areas of the school curriculum. We enable the children to develop and share their individual talents and skills as it allows each child to “shine” and thus develop raised self-esteem and confidence. We encourage our children to celebrate both success and failure, as this brings further resilience for life and deeper learning. By building connectivity, we ensure there is a link between learning experiences to embed transferable, purposeful knowledge and reasoning. Our teachers plan and develop opportunities to allow our children to articulate their depth of understanding through the use of a rich vocabulary and pupil voice.
Curriculum Enrichment
A range of educational visits out
Visitors in,
Hook-in days to the new topics,
Special theme days and weeks such as Arts Week and Mental Health week
A wide range of extracurricular activities.
Parental workshops, planned annually, so that parents feel informed and can appropriately support their children’s learning at home.