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Year 3

Welcome to Year 3!  We are Class 5 and Class 6.  Our teachers are Mrs Edgeworth and Mrs Cowell.  We are supported by: Mrs Moore, Mrs Hudson, Mrs Jones, Mrs Fox, Mrs Hobbs, Miss Hobson, Mrs Hook, Miss Jillians and Mrs Foster.

In Year 3, we support the children in their transition from KS1 to KS2. We love to encourage more independence in this year and love watching how the children really progress, mature and develop by the Summer term.

We cover a range of interesting History, Science and Geography topics such as Volcanoes, Rocks and Soils, The Stone Age and even the Human Body!

In writing, we begin to encourage the children to join their handwriting. We also encourage children to read at home daily through our Year 3 Roald Dahl Reading Challenge. When they have read at home for fourteen days they receive a certificate.

In Maths we place a strong focus on number fluency, helping children to gain a deep understanding of place value and begin teaching children column addition and subtraction using three-digit numbers. Children will recap the 2’s, 5’s and 10’s times tables and will begin to learn the 3’s and 4s as well. Children are set homework for this using TT Rockstars. 

The Year 3 Team


Links for Remote Learning:

Times Table practice (focus on 3s and 4s.:

Hit the Button - Quick fire maths practise for 6-11 year olds (

Times Tables Rock Stars – Times Tables Rock Stars (

Flash Tables (

Maths Lessons - Multiplication and Division

Unit - Oak National Academy (


Unit - Oak National Academy (


Unit - Oak National Academy (


Unit - Oak National Academy (

Science, Geography and History:

Bure Park Primary School

Lucerne Avenue, Bure Park, Bicester, Oxfordshire, OX26 3BP

01869 354059