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Year 5

Welcome to Year 5!  We are Class 9 and Class 10.  Our teachers are Mrs Colquhoun, Miss Lush and Mr Gratwohl.  We are supported by: Mrs Mallalue

In Year 5, we aim to develop independence, good presentation and creativity in our learning through our exciting topics – Ancient Greeks, Mayans and Bicester. We work closely with Year 6 to prepare them for the opportunities that they will be presented with in their last year of primary school.

As part of our PE, Year 5 attends swimming lessons. We also take a range of exciting trips linked to our topic including to The Ashmolean and a tour of our locality. 


Links for Remote Learning:


Oak Academy lesson on Space

Oak academy lessons on Separating materials


All about the Mayans - 


Narrative writing -


Multiplicatoin and division -

More multiplicatoin and division -

Bure Park Primary School

Lucerne Avenue, Bure Park, Bicester, Oxfordshire, OX26 3BP

01869 354059